Saturday, November 10, 2012

I stopped caring

This is my story of not giving a shit anymore. 

Tonight I remember how back in 2009 I was in a job interview. It WAS by all means my dream job.
I work in I.T. and this was an I.T. Security job at a very VERY LARGE financial firm.
In the interview, led by the VP of I.T. said to me, "Son, you're what we're looking for. How do you feel about a long term commitment here? We need someone who will stick around for at least 6 years."

I reached across the table, shook his hand and said, "Sir, it would be an honor to be apart of a team at an institution like this for 6 years or more."  I was hired.

This was during the worst of the recession. I was making fantastic money, doing exactly what I really set out to do. I had my dream job, and for the first time in a long time, I gave up on watching my back, looking over my shoulder and always being on the lookout for another form of work. (Being in I.T. in the Finance industry in NYC can be quite cut-throat.)
I started in November, and when December 1st came around, I was called in to H.R.'s office and was told that me and 35 other of my co-workers were not in the budget and were being laid off and our last day was December 23rd. What a great Christmas gift that was!!

Keeping in mind all of this information about "Not being in the budget" I walked down the hallway totally numb and in disbelief. At the same time I also heard my boss rejoicing about how he was getting his Christmas bonus and was going to buy a very expensive boat.

Many other's were ejaculating on themselves over their great bonuses. I was getting laid off. I recalled the "6 year commitment" speech from the VP. It was just then when he came around the corner to my desk as I was gazing as if in a trance at my computer screen. He told me he was sorry that this had happened. I sarcastically remarked about the commitment required at this company. He apologized and told me that I could use the remaining month from 9-5 on their dime to find a new job and not have to come to any meetings or any other office bullshit. I took him up on that offer, and during the worst part of the recession, I did NOT find a new job. I lost my health insurance, employment, and mental health.

Dear former boss and company, GO F*CK YOURSELF!!

Lesson number 1: When a company gives you this whole commitment speech bullshit, remember that it's only bullshit and it's the kind of pick up line that a guy uses on a girl in a nightclub so he can have a quick score. 

It's all lies, and you shouldn't trust your employer at all, for any moment, for anything.
You've just been screwed. He left in the morning and will not call you back. It's over, and you are disgusted with yourself for having trusted said "Screwer".

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